Monday, June 16, 2014

Farmville 2 Farm Bucks Code (FV2 Cash)

The Farm Bucks or Cash is the currency that is commonly used in Farmville 2 game to purchase exclusive items. Fortunately there is  away or work around (cheat), to have Farm Bucks for free or whenver as they wish. So let us share you our tip on how to get it:

Steps the Farmville 2 Farm Bucks (Cash) Cheat:

First, Open the FarmVille 2 game in Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome

then   run Cheat Engine. If you don't have it yet you can download it here for FREE.

click   the Process and select plugin-container.exe in (Firefox), for Chrome view this

Select for NEW SCAN and Change Value type to Array of byte

You will need to Scan the code 04 63 61 73 68

then Replace the above code with 04 62 61 73 68

Visit a Neighbor's Farm & return Home

See the General Store.

1 comment:

  1. everything good is -1 coins so it doesn't work keeps saying not enough coins
